Week 1 - "Moving Month", not "Moving Day"

Week one went well. I still have a room full of boxes I need to get here. My awesome friend Adriana and I will try to get it all tomorrow. I rented an SUV so hopefully I don't have to make multiple trips. Then I have to clean the old place. Uugh moving sucks! Next time a uhaul, none of this multiple trips crap.

But prior to moving that stuff, I'm getting my hair cut and colorsed...thats always refreshing!!!!

I love my new apartment. I can't wait until all boxes are unpacked, photos on the wall and I can enjoy my new neighborhood. There is a grand piano in the lobby and residents actually use it. Amazing pianist too...not chopsticks or the silly things I know. People play that ragtime stuff. Pretty neat. People seem really nice here.
Well i have an early day tomorrow.


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