ahhh.... I'm almost there

All I need to do is clean the old apartment and I'm outta there! Today we attempted to sell a bunch of stuff. I didn't really plan for it so 10pm last night I posted signs in the four apartment buildings mentioning a moving sale from 11 - 2 (while we would be cleaning and throwing out stuff).
Only one visitor, but the perfect visitor, my downstairs neighbor, Yung. She bought a bunch of stuff & I gave her a bunch of stuff for free. When she walked in the door, I knew I was in luck because the lady can't walk away from a yard sale without something. Darby even bought some things from me. So I placed the left-overs in a storage bin and will drop them off at the goodwill this week.

Now I got lots of boxes to unpack. However tonight after putting some things away, I took a bath. A wonderful well-needed bath. Despite the rain we had all week, this weekend was beautiful!!! I love this place.