Should be doing laundry

Its been a crazy last couple of months but thinks are shaping up.

Work is really good. Still super busy but I'm working on other things outside of my main client which is fun. One that includes the local zoo and another is the Seattle International Film Fest which I am a big fan of and frequent movie watcher during its annual festival.

I met with my new landlord tonight and THANKFULLY after discussing options, she is talking to the corporate office about lowering the proposed lease, and including my little storage unit as part of the cost. Its still an increase BUT I'm so happy to stay, especially with my friend living below me and some changes happening to the building. One change is allowing pets...this means I can have animal visitors! (I don't want to own any)

Aside from hanging out with friends as usual and a few uneventful dates here and there, I met someone new and will tell more in due time.


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