I know, I know.
I haven't blogged in ages, because I've been mostly posting to Flickr but this news is blog worthy....
Last night as I headed home, I was bummed the weekend had quickly come to an end. At 9:30 my buddy Scottie texted me to tell me Canlis was putting out a clue at 10 to celebrate their 61st birthday. JUST ONE CLUE. That's it. He asked me if I wanted to do it and since I was feeling the Sunday blues I said why not.
Last night as I headed home, I was bummed the weekend had quickly come to an end. At 9:30 my buddy Scottie texted me to tell me Canlis was putting out a clue at 10 to celebrate their 61st birthday. JUST ONE CLUE. That's it. He asked me if I wanted to do it and since I was feeling the Sunday blues I said why not.
We were in his car when the clue was posted to FACEbook. It was in latin. We both immediately thought St. James Catholic Church but then our friend Amanda called and said to go to St. Marks because the clue translated into a chant and St. Mark's is well known for its compline service on Sundays . Off we went.
We parked nearby and ran up to the church doors. Not knowing if service was still happening Scottie was hesitant to go in. I, growing up so close to the church because of Nana's job and my grandparents tight bond to St. Joe's, I walked right in and quietly stood at the back, looking around to see if they had any stations that were tied to clue. No stations, nothing feeling right so we walked outside disappointed. I said we should head to St. Joes and with that Scottie ran over to the wall where the Church schedule was lit up and there, right on top was the menu. I screamed in excitement, we were jumping up and down hugging as cars pulled up asking if we found it. WE WON THE ONLY MENU! I don't even care to go back to the restaurant, it was just so exciting winning and this time around seemed so much more easier! All thanks to Amanda. So we are letting her keep the menu. We will dress up and get to eat at 1950's prices again. Pretty awesome.