Oh weekend

Since my folks left, I've been busy but not. I wanted to finish unpacking. I would LOVE to unpack the last few boxes but the shelving unit I bought was wrong and missing an important part. Site had this photo but I ordered the "Add-On" Unit which is only one upright with shelves that get attached to this unit. SO I only had one side to the unit I ordered. Not good and a huge hassle I don't want to get into. Missing part will arrive in NOVEMBER
>:( ... that's a symbol for frustrated face.

So my weekends have been filled with friends stuff and some fun things line Smashputt.

SMASHPUTT is an indoor miniature golf created by an art group so the holes were quarky. There is a bar and it's in a building that used to be the old immigration building so the artist have converted the 3 cells into lounging spaces and all rooms that look like classrooms into putting holes. It was fun! I have a few photos in my October FLICKr pictures.

This weekend, I'm planning on hitting up some thrift stores, reading, seeing and attending The burlesque event Jo Jo helped organize to help raise money for local roller derby.

I hope I get everything on my wishlist done this weekend. I know I have it easy not having kids or a family to tend to but sometimes being a single, independent person can be kind of sad so it's important to keep busy and make the most of the moment!


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