Following friends blogs

I have several friends who also write blogs...much better than I!

My favorite recent post is from Buster and Kellianne's site - Zero to Baby.
Everyone has nicknames! Buster is MILTON, Kellianne is ESTHER and the baby is BABY AXELROD. I highly recommend reading the latest post linked below.

Zero to Baby: This is a great post by Esther to her future son. After reading, if you click the cute header, it will take you to the most recent post.

A few other friend blogs:

Modern Natural: Joby, one of my favorite people to spend time with in Seattle is the type of person who gets heavily focused on something and challenges himself. His passion for whatever it is - is exciting and inspiring. Aside from working 5 days a week, he is doing an apprenticeship learning old ways of survival and old trades like blacksmithing and making things at home. The blog follows his experience.

Lover Mother: A blog by a Philadelphia friend. Lois is crazy creative and has fun projects with her kids and good tips on home organization.

Adventures of a Clueless ExPat: Janelle use to work at WONGDOODY with me and now works as a copy writer in Dubai! This is her adventure.


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