Plaid Party Bus Adventure


My friend Kindra planned an outing for her boyfriend Mike's 30th Birthday. He loves plaid so she got a crew of us to dress in plaid and hop on a party bus where we surprised him at his house and hit up all his favorite spots in Seattle.
1st stop: Pies & Pints (AMAZING little potpies!!!)
2nd stop: Baskin Robbin – We picked up the cake and went across the street to Greenlake park to eat the cake. I love this photo!
birthday cake in Greenlake

3nd stop: The George and the Dragon (a popular soccer watching bar) to do his favorite shot.
4th stop: Fred Meyers Store (Its like a Target and Costco mix) so he can pick out a present in the hardware section.
Mike's birthday present

5th stop: The Lusty Lady: A famous Seattle staple that is a peep-show. It has standing booths you go in and pay quarters to look through a little window that shows a room of naked girls dancing & well showing off themselves. I went in cuz why not! It was

the Lusty Lady

Slideshow galore!!
Mike, the birthday boys:

My photos:

Such a good time!!!! Oh and the amazing matching outfits Kindra and Mike have. Chris Jones who is one of the most free-spirited cheerful guys I ever met is a suit designer and he designed Mike's suit. Kindra ordered the fabric and while giving Chris the fabric for the suit, she had her friend, local burlesque gal Jamie design her adorable dress. Chris and Jamie did an amazing job!


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