NOV, DEC & JAN in a nutshell

November, December and January flew by! I want to jot down some exciting things that happened so I can now be up to speed and can a little at a time.

Ok in brief:
I spent thanksgiving with my friends, the Bensons. It was a super yummy dinner with a small group of Seattle transplants. We all made different dishes and drank many bottles of wine. I made the Kahlua Yams and they were a success.
The Benson's 1st Holiday Dinner

Thanksgiving weekend, my friend Jessica (Aka Jo Jo) and I went to Portland for a girls weekend. We stayed at the Ace Hotel and had a blast!
Dj Jo Jo @ace PDX

December is a busy whirlwind until the holidays come......

Free fall

I traveled to Pennsylvania from Seattle, via San Francisco, and Salt Lake City for the holidays to spend it with family. Though it took me 3 days to get there due to airport problems and frustrations, I had a great spending time with family. Jenna and I took Jake and Marissa to the Please Touch Museum (FOR YEARS I THOUGHT IT WAS THE POLICE TOUCH MUSEUM – AS if they sponsored the Touch Museum) My mom and sister were willing to do some last minute shopping with me since I lost 3 days to being stuck in airports. I’m glad I got to spend as much time as I could with the family. I got to hang out with friends on two different occasions which was nice. Next time I’m home, I’ll pick a bar and a night to invite people out because its IMPOSSIBLE for me to see friends when I am with my family most the time.

Here are photos from the trip:

I got back in time to Seattle for New Years.
New Years Eve
I spent this NYE at Ed Maloney’s bar, Highway 99 Blues Club. I was with my friend Jessica, Beth, Britta (Ed’s wife) and a bunch of derby gals while Jessica’s boyfriend DJ’d prior to the burlesque performances and rockabilly bands. It was a super fun night! Various other friends showed up throughout the night. We danced a lot. Oh and Jessica isn't really touching me in that photo. You think I'm a haven't met Jo Jo, the very lively, fun friend of mine.

Our work "Holiday" party that got postponed due to bad weather so we had it in January.
Casino night with Karoake. Lots of food and drinks. AND about 30 of us headed to one of the cheesiest bars to have an after-party. It felt like we were all at a wedding!
Here is me with my co-workers Pat, Amy and Mich.

Here are TWO slideshows:


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