
Showing posts from August, 2008

PLaying catch up

So I mentioned a few weeks ago I was invited to my friends' Tanya and Mark's Wedding Celebration. They got married in Novia Scotia (Mark's mom lives there) and then when they returned to Seattle they had a Friday evening Wedding Celebration on 8.8.08 and then Saturday a bunch of us got in cars and headed towards the Cascade Mountains to camp and tube the rest of the weekend. Here are some photos from the Friday party. And a link to some camping & tubing photos. My friend Katie and Eric flew in from Chicago. It was a super fun weekend with lots of laughs, lots of tents and 3 hours of tubing & relaxing down a river.

The people in our lives

Well its been a while since I posted or at least it feels like it. A lot of stuff has been going on. Work is good. Had a super fun "wedding weekend" for Tanya and Mark that I will post in a separate blog soon! On a sad note, I know most of you reading this are family. (I think its my only readers) Though Kevin Martin was obviously sicker than we all thought, I am sad and angry over what happened. I know he loved his family and I am so so sorry they have to go through this pain right now. It was hard for me to hear this news and not want to jump home to be by Cheryl & Nancy's sides. I love them like family and wish I could have been there to help in some way. He is at peace now. Less than 2 years ago a co-worker on my team left the same way. I don't want to get into on here but I gained a better understanding from Kelly's passing as to why people make the decisions they do and how it takes a very sick person to take this turn. A fond memory I have of Kevin: A...

WONGDOODY Summer Party 2008!!!

We spent the afternoon in a big suite at the Mariners game and then a bunch f us went to a vendors Summer Party near Pike Place Market and pretty much took over. (you can see all the green and black t's overpowered the rest of the crowd) Slideshow version: The videos are of Mr. Pat Doody and Tony, one of the Art Directors attacking each other with Peanuts. Doody vs Zimney Part 1: Doody vs Zimney Part 2: