
Originally uploaded by ::: a i m e e :::
Accidents happen no matter how silly they may seem. I was the poster child last week for silly accidents.

I cut my 2 fingers shaving! STUPID! But it made for a lot of jokes in the office.
Yes I know there are razors with handles.
Yes it was one of those typical fool-proof Venus razors.
No I did not use a classic razor
No unfortunately this was not an X-acto knife accident in the paste-up room.

Last thursday morning i was shaving my legs while lathering my leg with foam and when i pulled the razor away, i knicked my other hand! Blood was shooting out everywhere, especially from my index finger. My shower looked like the scene from phycho. It was a lot of blood, coming fast and the water made it burn!!! I stood in the shower with my one hand holding the other thinking "now what?"

I got out of the shower to grab bandaids from the cabinet and I was fine until i looked in the mirror. I was trying to put a bandage on each finger but blood was pouring out and my wet hair was dripping on to the bandaids. I looked up and my colorful face was gray. I sat on the floor trying not to pass out, feeling whoosy as now blood was dripping onto the rug. This is a great start to the day don't ya say?

I sat on the floor thinking this is getting me no where. What the heck do I do? So I wrapped my hand in a towel and called a friend to see if she can help me bandage them up so I could at least get dressed and figure out what to do next. I was late to work. By noon, my index was still bleeding so i had to go see my doc.

She said it wasn't a bad cut just a very bad spot on both of them. I got the tip of my index finger, scraping off several layers of skin but luckily not reaching bone. My pinky was just a basic cut. She ended up re-bandaging and putting a splint on the index finger to keep pressure on the bleeding. She gave me meds saying it would be more uncomfortable and possibly painful with a burning sensation as it heals. She was right! It is still sore but not as as discomforting as over the weekend. Shit happens. It was an accident.

I guess I'll never be a hand model. Oh well.


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