Chicago was a super fun, green time!!!!!

I spent St. Paddys weekend in Chicago visiting my friends Katie and Eric. They moved to Chicago from Seattle before the new year so it was the perfect reason to come see them in their new city.

To sum it up....
Saturday: We drank
Sunday: We ate, we did some sightseeing. We shopped. We ate, we drank.
Monday (St. Paddy's): they did their work/school stuff, I checked out downtown, got a massage and then met up with some people, we ate, we drank and drank!
Tuesday: I couldn't eat anything. I couldn't drink anything. I flew home.

I had an amazing massage!!! STUPID ME had a big glass of wine afterwards which wasn't smart!
Massage = release toxins.
Wine = toxins!

We met up with my buddy Wayne and some of his T-Mobile co-workers who came to town on St. Paddys so I got a chance to celebrate the holiday with a Seattle crew before I left the following day and they stayed for some convention. Some of my Wongdoody co-workers were also there for the convention but I never got a chance to see them since I left the next day.

I had two celebrity run-ins... a chef from the food network sat at our table at one restaurant and Jon Legend, a singer worked out in the gym next to where i was getting a massage. I ran into him and his buddy while I was telling the masseuse that I could hear their horrible singing to Cheryl Crow while I was in the shower, but it was entertaining.

It was a short trip but super fun! Next time I want to hit the museums. That was the initial plan for Tuesday morning but with all the drinks the night prior, that wasn't going to happen!

Click here to see more photos!


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