Levittown in May

So I traveled red-eye to JFK airport Friday night. Arriving at 8am on a ho, humid morning. I took the airtrain to Jamaica station, then hopped on the LIRR (Long island rail road) to Penn Station. Then, hopped a train on NJ transit down to Hamilton Station where my folk picked me up. I was home in Levittown by 11:30 am. I was too wired to sleep...just to shower and play with my niece and nephew. I passed out that night on the sofa.

Sunday my parents had an "open house" for family and friends to swing by, drink, relax and catch up. It was a great day. We set up a baby pool and the baby "water table" outside. The water table is this awesome little toy for toddlers. Its a small little table you fill with water and toys. Letting them splash, pour things and basically get themselves soaking wet which is adorable! So many people have kids now, that the background water playground was a total hit. A lot of the galoopers made it over. Some family and friends. It was a nice day. I'm glad I got to see so many people while I am home.

Monday my mom dropped Marissa and I off at my grandparents. My grandparents are doing better. Grandpop is great when he is around Marissa and the other kids. That night the Jahr's invited us over for dinner.

Today I went to work with Dad to pick up my rental car. I started going through some of my things in the closet, trashing stuff I no longer need. I'm now at the library where I got lectured by the librarian. I need to work on a freelance project and needed my library ID number to access Internet. Well since I do not carry my bucks county library card on me, the librarian lectured me that this will be the only time she will give it to me and I MUST carry the card with me next time. Ok lady! She also told me that next time I come, to bring a sweater because it gets chilly in here.
After here, I have an errand to run, will swing by Jenna's and then head down to Julia's house to visit with her and the kids. Well I got to get to that freelance work....


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