Sun shining through clouds

I haven't written in here for a while. Hmm what's new?
Well since mostly family read this, you are aware I have a cute little nephew named Jacob now. I just put an order for some stuff to go to him that I think his daddy will like. I can't wait to get home to meet Jacob and hang out with Marissa.

In unfortunate news, I lost a co-worker a few weeks ago. Someone I worked closely with my entire time at T-Mobile. She chose to end her life at 37yrs old and I'm still having a hard time trying to understand. She had a lot of issues but I never expected her to give up. I've been told she left a journal and letter and this is what she wanted and was planning for sometime. So hopefully she is finally at peace with herself.

This weekend was low-key. The weather was really nice all weekend.
Saturday I woke up early, did some errands and worked on some freelance. I discovered a great clothing shop called Kulhmans. Its 4 blocks down the street from me. I knew it was a men's tailor shop but thought they only sold guy stuff. I had no clue they carried girl stuff until someone recommended me taking my jeans there for alterations. So when I dropped of my jeans, I walked out with 2 new dresses and a bathing suit. (and we all know how horrible bathing suit shopping is, so this place is a treasure!) I went to a hot tub/BBQ at my friend Chris's place with my other friend Chris. It ended up being all this amazing food. Since it was mostly family mingling, we never made it into the hot tub. :( Darn I could have worn my new threads. Instead my friend Chris, Niphon, Karin and I headed to Ben and Jerry's to pig out on some yummy ice cream. I planned to stay up to watch SNL and lame me fell asleep at 11.

Sunday I overslept, worked on more freelance and then met Leanne for lunch at a local pizza shop. I asked for Oregano and got the little leaves which I had to chop up myself. For a place that has "East Coast" in the title, fresh unchopped Oregano is not a common East Coast thing.
3 hours later I bussed over to West Seattle to meet up with Katie. We ventured down to Alki beach for dinner at Dukes. The view was great, people watching was fun. I admired all the bikers who were out because it was perfect weather for a nice bike ride.

Oh did I mention a few weeks back that I went on my 1st bike ride? I think it was my first ride. It was awesome!!!!!!!!! I thought I'd be scared but its all about trust...trusting the driver. After detail cleaning my car, my friend Wayne took me for a ride around West Seattle on his bike.(which is the same area these water photos are from) I was a little tense at forst but after a few minutes I felt completely comfortable and wish I had done this years ago! I was in heaven. You could smell everything and the sun was setting over the distant mountains. The sunset behind the mountains was amazing. We flew along some streets and then cruised along the popular Alki strip. That was a nice way to start a weekend. Unfortunaltey Wayne was out of town this weekend so even though it was nice out, no bike rides for me. :(


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