Fish n' Chips anyone

Growing up in a food loving but non-fish friendly home... I grew up not being fond of seafood. (well with the exception of Tuna fish sandwiches and Fish Sticks which most kids deny is seafood) Most seafood experiences were bad and smelly.

When I decided to move to Seattle, I knew I had to start trying more foods; expand my palette. The 1st week I was in Seattle, I went to McCormick & Schmick's (A well known NW Seafood establishment) and had English Sole. Very yummy and didn't smell like fish!
The following week, the Wallace's treated a bunch of us to dinner with some out-of-town guest at Anthony's on the Pier. They ordered a handful of appetizers which was perfect for me. I sat there, quietly testing all the different samples.

Its been well over two years that I have been here and have now had my fair share of Seafood. I still prefer a good steak over anything but at least have a list of seafood items I do like. For the 1st time today, I tried the traditional "Fish n' chips" at Ivar's on the Waterfront. Fish and Chips is Fried Cod and French Fries

I have to laugh because for how much people make fun of fish sticks AND how many non-seafood eaters say they don't like seafood but like fish sticks..... THAT IS WHAT FISH AND CHIPS IS! BIG FISH STICKS. FISH STICKS FOR ADULTS!

So if you like fish sticks, think you are still not a fan of any kind of seafood...get the fish n' chips.


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