Its been a while since I posted here. May was an insanely busy but AMAZING. There was the Highline High School fundraiser dinner. I never recalled my high school having fundraisers and since I don't have kids, I told Carinna I would join her for her school's fundraiser auction/dinner. It was fun, I won a bottle of nice wine and 3 of us bid on the "Taste of Highline dinner" where several moms and staff would make meals passed down from their families. We were able to invite up to 10 friends. There was Italian, Somalian, Soul, Mexican, and Hawaiian. There may have been another but I forget. It was sooooo yummy and was hosted at a house that was on Lake Burien. They told us there may be a boat involved. The boat turned out to be a battery operated dock that quietly moved in the water. That was a riot. It was a beautiful evening with stories of the meals with some of my favorite seattle friends. The weather had finally taken a turn for the nicer so for my friend Sar...